Dr. Shaw’s lab is a virtual lab encompassing research partners across multiple institutions, including members at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, where she is Senior Investigator, and the University of Pennsylvania, where she is Adjunct Associate Professor of Biostatistics. Much of the work of her lab is on the development of novel methods for study design and inference to address error-prone data. Several members of the Shaw Lab also participate in the Shaw-Shepherd Research Collaborative, which is a working group founded by Drs. Bryan Shepherd at Vanderbilt University and Pamela Shaw also focussed on these research topics. Settings of focus include electronic health records (EHR) data and nutritional and physical activity epidemiology. A few review papers were done in collaboration between members of the Shaw Lab and the STRATOS TG4 working group. STRATOS is an international collaborative of researchers focused on addressing shortcomings that commonly appear in analyses of observational studies in the applied literature. The STRATOS TG4 Working group is focussed on Measurement error and Misclassification and have developed a separate website of their work to date. A second research focus of the Shaw Lab is in the design and analysis of clinical trials. The research of the PI Dr. Shaw covers a wide focus of methods addressing the design and analysis of clinical studies, with expertise in both clinical trials and large prospective epidemiologic studies. Her papers organized by areas of focus can be found here.