1700 Minor Ave Suite 1600, Seattle, WA 98101
Shaw Lab
Maude SL, Frey N, Shaw PA, Aplenc R, Barrett DM, Bunin NJ, Chew A, Gonzalez VE, Zheng Z, Lacey SF, Mahnke YD, Melenhorst JJ, Rheingold SR, Shen A, Teachey DT, Levine BL, June CH, Porter DL, Grupp SA. Chimeric antigen receptor T cells for sustained remissions in leukemia. New England Journal of Medicine, 2014; 371: 1507-17.
March 29, 2021
Porter DL, Lacey S Grupp S, Hwang W-T, Shaw PA, Frey N, Melenhorst J, Chew A, Gonzalez V, Kalos M, Marcucci K, Maude S, Teachey D, Litchman M, Shen A, Wood P, Levine BL, June CH. Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapy for Relapsed/Refractory CLL. Science Translational Medicine, 2015 Sep; 7(303): 303ra139.
March 29, 2021
Teachey DT*, Lacey S*, Shaw PA*, Melenhorst J*, Frey N, Barrett D, Chen F, Fitzgerald J, Gonzalez V, Maude S, Pequignot E, Weiss S, June C, Porter D, and Grupp S: Characterization of Cytokine Release Syndrome associated with CT019L therapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancer Discovery, 2016 Jun; 6(6):664-79. *co-first authors.
March 29, 2021
Fitzgerald JC, Weiss SL, Maude SL, Barrett DM, Lacey S, Melenhorst J, Shaw PA, Berg RA, June CH, Porter D, Frey NV, Grupp SA, Teachey DT. Cytokine Release Syndrome After Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Critical Care Medicine, 2017 Feb; 45(2), e124–e131.
March 29, 2021
Gofshteyn J, Shaw PA, Teachey D, Grupp S, Maude S, Banwell B, Chen F, Lacey SF, Melenhorst JJ, Edmonson MJ, Panzer J, Barrett DM and McGuire, J. Neurotoxicity after CTL019 in a Pediatric and Young Adult Cohort. Annals of Neurology, 2018; 84(4): 537-546.
March 29, 2021
Frey NV, Shaw PA, Hexner EO, Pequignot E, Gill S, Luger SM, Mangan JK, Gilmore J, Loren AW, Perl AE, Maude SL, Grupp SA, Shah NN, Lacey SF, Melenhorst JJ, Levine BL, June CH, Porter DL. Optimizing Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy for Adults With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2020 Feb 10;38(5):415-422.
March 29, 2021
Diorio C*, Shaw PA*, Orlenka A, Pequignot E, Chen F, Aplenc R, Barrett DM, Bassiri H, Berg RA, Behrens E, Burukpadee C, Callahan C, Finkelstein J, Fitzgerald JC, Frey N, Gonzalez VE, Levine BL, Maude SL, Meyer NJ, Nazimuddin F, Rheingold SR, Rose-John S, White JC, Wertheim G, Zheng Z, June CH, Grupp SA, Melenhorst JJ, Lacey SF, Weiss SL, Teachey DT. Diagnostic Biomarkers to Differentiate Sepsis from Cytokine Release Syndrome in Critically Ill Children. Blood Advances 2020; 4(20): 5174–5183. *Equally contributed.
March 29, 2021
Tebas P, Jadlowsky JK, Shaw PA, Tian L, Esparza E, Brennan A, Kim S, Naing SY, Richardson MW, Vogel AN, Maldini C, Kong H, Liu X, Lacey SF, Bauer AB, Mampe F, Richman LP, Lee G, Ando D, Levine BL, Porter DL, Zhao Y, Siegel DL, Bar KJ, June CH, and Riley JL. CCR5-edited CD4 T cells augment HIV-specific immunity to enable post rebound control of HIV replication. To appear in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.
March 29, 2021