
Shepherd BE, Shaw PA. Errors in multiple variables in HIV cohort and electronic health record data: statistical challenges and opportunities. Statistical Communications in Infectious Disease, 2020; 12 (s1),

March 29, 2021

Shepherd BE, Shaw PA. Errors in multiple variables in HIV cohort and electronic health record data: statistical challenges and opportunities. Statistical Communications in Infectious Disease, 2020; 12 (s1), [PDF]

Shaw PA, He J, and Shepherd B. Regression calibration to correct correlated errors in outcome and exposure. Statistics in Medicine, 2021; 40(2): 271-286.

March 29, 2021

Shaw PA, He J, and Shepherd B. Regression calibration to correct correlated errors in outcome and exposure. Statistics in Medicine, 2021; 40(2): 271-286. [PDF]

Illenberger N, Small DS, and Shaw PA. Understanding regression to the mean in the context of synthetic controls and other matched difference in difference methods. Epidemiology 2020; 31(6):815-22.

March 29, 2021

Illenberger N, Small DS, and Shaw PA. Understanding regression to the mean in the context of synthetic controls and other matched difference in difference methods. Epidemiology 2020; 31(6):815-22. [PDF]

Giganti MJ, Shaw PA, Chen G, Bebawy SS, Turner MM, Sterling TR, Shepherd BE: Accounting for dependent errors in predictors and time-to-event outcomes using validation samples and multiple imputation Annals of Applied Statistics 2020;14(2):1045-61.

March 29, 2021

Giganti MJ, Shaw PA, Chen G, Bebawy SS, Turner MM, Sterling TR, Shepherd BE: Accounting for dependent errors in predictors and time-to-event outcomes using validation samples and multiple imputation Annals of Applied Statistics 2020;14(2):1045-61.

Keogh RH, Shaw PA, Gustafson P, Carroll RJ, Deffner V, Dodd KW, Küchenhoff H, Tooze JA, Wallace MP, Kipnis V, Freedman LS. STRATOS guidance document on measurement error and misclassification of variables in observational epidemiology: Part I – basic theory, validation studies and simple methods of adjustment. Statistics in Medicine 2020 Jul 20;39(16):2197-2231.

March 29, 2021

Keogh RH, Shaw PA, Gustafson P, Carroll RJ, Deffner V, Dodd KW, Küchenhoff H, Tooze JA, Wallace MP, Kipnis V, Freedman LS. STRATOS guidance document on measurement error and misclassification of variables in observational epidemiology: Part I – basic theory, validation studies and simple methods of adjustment. Statistics in Medicine 2020 Jul 20;39(16):2197-2231. [PDF]

Shaw PA, Gustafson P, Carroll RJ, Deffner V, Dodd KW, Keogh RH, Kipnis V, Tooze JA, Wallace MP, Küchenhoff H, Freedman LS. STRATOS guidance document on measurement error and misclassification of variables in observational epidemiology: Part II –more complex methods of adjustment and advanced topics. Statistics in Medicine 2020 Jul 20;39(16):2232-2263.

March 29, 2021

Shaw PA, Gustafson P, Carroll RJ, Deffner V, Dodd KW, Keogh RH, Kipnis V, Tooze JA, Wallace MP, Küchenhoff H, Freedman LS. STRATOS guidance document on measurement error and misclassification of variables in observational epidemiology: Part II –more complex methods of adjustment and advanced topics. Statistics in Medicine 2020 Jul 20;39(16):2232-2263. [PDF]

Shepherd B, Shaw PA and Dodd L. Using audit Information to adjust parameter estimates for data errors in clinical trials. Clinical Trials, 2012 Dec; 9(6): 721-729.

March 29, 2021

Shepherd B, Shaw PA and Dodd L. Using audit Information to adjust parameter estimates for data errors in clinical trials. Clinical Trials, 2012 Dec; 9(6): 721-729.