Survival Analysis
Oh E, Shepherd BE, Lumley T, Shaw PA: Improved Generalized Raking Estimators to Address Dependent Covariate and Failure-Time Outcome Error. To appear in Biometrical Journal. Pre-print, arXiv:2006.07480 [stat.ME].
Oh E, Shepherd BE, Lumley T, Shaw PA: Improved Generalized Raking Estimators to Address Dependent Covariate and Failure-Time Outcome Error. To appear in Biometrical Journal. Pre-print, arXiv:2006.07480 [stat.ME].
Oh EJ, Shepherd BE, Lumley T, Shaw PA. Raking and regression calibration: Methods to address bias from correlated covariate and time-to-event error. Statistics in Medicine. 2021;40(3):631–649.
Oh EJ, Shepherd BE, Lumley T, Shaw PA. Raking and regression calibration: Methods to address bias from correlated covariate and time-to-event error. Statistics in Medicine. 2021;40(3):631–649.
Han K, Lumley T, Shepherd BE, Shaw PA: Two-phase analysis and study design for survival models with error-prone exposures. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2020 Dec 16. EPub ahead of print:
Han K, Lumley T, Shepherd BE, Shaw PA: Two-phase analysis and study design for survival models with error-prone exposures. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2020 Dec 16. EPub ahead of print:
Xu R, Mehrotra D, Shaw PA. Hazard ratio inference in stratified clinical trials with time-to-event endpoints and limited sample size. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 2019 May; 8(3):366-376. doi: 10.1002/pst.1928. doi: 10.1002/pst.1928.
Xu R, Mehrotra D, Shaw PA. Hazard ratio inference in stratified clinical trials with time-to-event endpoints and limited sample size. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 2019 May; 8(3):366-376. doi: 10.1002/pst.1928. doi: 10.1002/pst.1928. [PDF]
Xu R, Mehrotra D, Shaw PA. Incorporating baseline measurement into the analysis of crossover trials with time-to-event endpoints. Statistics in Medicine, 2018 Oct; 37 (23): 3280-3292.
Xu R, Mehrotra D, Shaw PA. Incorporating baseline measurement into the analysis of crossover trials with time-to-event endpoints. Statistics in Medicine, 2018 Oct; 37 (23): 3280-3292. [PDF]
Oyama M, Shaw PA, and Ellenberg S.: Considerations for analysis of time-to-event outcomes subject to competing risks in veterinary clinical studies. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, 20(3): 143-153, Jun 2018.
Oyama M, Shaw PA, and Ellenberg S.: Considerations for analysis of time-to-event outcomes subject to competing risks in veterinary clinical studies. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, 20(3): 143-153, Jun 2018.
Oh E, Shepherd B, Lumley T, Shaw PA. Considerations for analysis of time-to-event outcomes Measured with Error: Bias and correction with SIMEX. Statistics in Medicine, 2018 Apr; 37(8): 1276-1289.
Oh E, Shepherd B, Lumley T, Shaw PA. Considerations for analysis of time-to-event outcomes Measured with Error: Bias and correction with SIMEX. Statistics in Medicine, 2018 Apr; 37(8): 1276-1289. [PDF]
Xu R, Shaw PA, Mehrotra DV: Hazard ratio estimation in small samples. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 10(2): 139-149, 2018.
Xu R, Shaw PA, Mehrotra DV: Hazard ratio estimation in small samples. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 10(2): 139-149, 2018. [PDF]
Shaw PA, Fay MP: A rank test for bivariate event time outcomes when one event is a surrogate. Statistics in Medicine, 2016 Aug 30; 35(19):3413-23.
Shaw PA, Fay MP: A rank test for bivariate event time outcomes when one event is a surrogate. Statistics in Medicine, 2016 Aug 30; 35(19):3413-23. [PDF]
Shaw PA, Prentice, RL. Hazard ratio estimation for biomarker-calibrated dietary exposures. Biometrics, 2012 Jun; 68(2): 397-407.
Shaw PA, Prentice, RL. Hazard ratio estimation for biomarker-calibrated dietary exposures. Biometrics, 2012 Jun; 68(2): 397-407. [PDF]